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Charles A. Geiger : EMU 3 Solid Solutions in Silicate and Oxide Systems

6.500 Ft (6.190 Ft + ÁFA)
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Gyártó: ELTE Eötvös Kiadó Kft.
Szállítási díj: 990 Ft
Várható szállítás: 2025. január 20.


Charles A. Geiger : EMU 3 Solid Solutions in Silicate and Oxide Systems

From the Introduction

The third European Mineralogical Union (EMU) Short Course and Workshop is the first to take place outside of Budapest, Hungary being held in the north German Hansa City of Lubeck. The subject for this third meeting is Solid solutions in oxide and silicate systems.The solid Earth, as well as many meteorites and the other solid planets, consists for the most part of mineral solid solutions. Research on solid solutions is extremely broad encompassing work in physics and chemistry, metallurgy, materials science and, last but not least, mineralogy and petrology. Hence, because the theme is so strongly interdisciplinary in nature, the workshop was organised to include solid state physicists, physical chemists, crystallographers, mineralogists and petrologists. The various chapters reflect some of this diversity and show what mineralogy has become. Experimental investigations in mineralogy now routinely include different types of spectroscopies along with more traditional phase equilibrium, X-ray diffraction, calorimetry, and TEM methods. There have also been new and impressive developments in theory and computation. Many computational approaches relating to the study of solid solutions, for example, the Cluster Variation Method or Monte Carlo simulations, have been brought in from materials science, chemistry and physics. It can be concluded that the traditional or historical, and perhaps artificial, boundaries between the various disciplines are disappearing. Many current research efforts in mineralogy are similar to those in chemistry, materials science and physics.

Charles A. Geiger and Wolfgang F Muller Kiel, Darmstadt, June 2001

Part I. Introduction

  • Chapter 1. Solid solutions: Background, history, and scientific perspective by CH.A. GEIGER

Part II. Thermodynamics

  • Chapter 2. Dependence of thermodynamic properties on atomic masses and bonding in solids by G. GRIMVALL
  • Chapter 3. Thermodynamic modelling of solid solution by J. GANGULY
  • Chapter 4. Thermodynamic mixing properties of binary oxide and silicate solid solutions determined by direct measurements: the role of strain by CH. A. GEIGER
  • Chapter 5. Activity-composition relationships and pressure-temperature determinations in metamorphic rocks by TH. M. WILL

Part III. Crystal chemistry and structure

  • Chapter 6. The phenomenological theory of solid solutions by V. A. URUSOV
  • Chapter 7. The influence of elastic strain heterogeneities in silicate solid solutions by M. A. CARPENTER, B. BALLARAN
  • Chapter 8. The diffraction experiment in the study of solid solutions: long-range properties by R. OBERTI

Part IV. Computational studies

  • Chapter 9. Principles of computer simulation by V. HEINE
  • Chapter 10. Computer simulations of solid solutions by M. T. DOVE
  • Chapter 11. Trace element incorporation in minerals and melts by N. L. ALLAN, J. D. BLUNDY, J. A. PURTON, M. YU. LAVRENTIEV, B. J. WOOD
  • Chapter 12. Configurational entropy of binary silicate solid solutions by V. L. VINOGRAD

Part V. Microscopic properties and glasses

  • Chapter 13. Magnetic ordering in solid solutions by R. J. HARRISON, U. BECKER
  • Chapter 14. Transmission electron microscopy, defects, and exsolution in rock-forming minerals by D. R. VEBLEN
  • Chapter 15. Glasses and the glass transitionv by P. RICHET
  • Name and subject index


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Szerző Charles A. Geiger
Cím EMU 3 Solid Solutions in Silicate and Oxide Systems
ISBN 963 463 1347